The enum keyword allows the creation of a type which may be one of a few
different variants. Any variant which is valid as a struct is also valid as
an enum.
// An attribute to hide warnings for unused code.
// Create an `enum` to classify someone. Note how both names
// and type information together specify the variant:
// `Skinny != Fat` and `Height(i32) != Weight(i32)`. Each
// is different and independent.
enum Person {
// An `enum` may either be `unit-like`,
// like tuple structs,
// or like structures.
Info { name: String, height: i32 }
// A function which takes a `Person` enum as an argument and
// returns nothing.
fn inspect(p: Person) {
// Usage of an `enum` must cover all cases (irrefutable)
// so a `match` is used to branch over it.
match p {
Person::Skinny => println!("Is skinny!"),
Person::Fat => println!("Is fat!"),
// Destructure `i` from inside the `enum`.
Person::Height(i) => println!("Has a height of {}.", i),
Person::Weight(i) => println!("Has a weight of {}.", i),
// Destructure `Info` into `name` and `height`.
Person::Info { name, height } => {
println!("{} is {} tall!", name, height);
fn main() {
let person = Person::Height(18);
let danny = Person::Weight(10);
// `to_owned()` creates an owned `String` from a string slice.
let dave = Person::Info { name: "Dave".to_owned(), height: 72 };
let john = Person::Fat;
let larry = Person::Skinny;