[−][src]Function tao_of_rust::ch07::design_pattern::design_patterns
pub fn design_patterns()
Base usage: 建造者模式
struct Circle { x: f64, y: f64, radius: f64, } struct CircleBuilder { x: f64, y: f64, radius: f64, } impl Circle { fn area(&self) -> f64 { std::f64::consts::PI * (self.radius * self.radius) } fn new() -> CircleBuilder { CircleBuilder { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, radius: 1.0, } } } impl CircleBuilder { fn x(&mut self, coordinate: f64) -> &mut CircleBuilder { self.x = coordinate; self } fn y(&mut self, coordinate: f64) -> &mut CircleBuilder { self.y = coordinate; self } fn radius(&mut self, radius: f64) -> &mut CircleBuilder { self.radius = radius; self } fn build(&self) -> Circle { Circle { x: self.x, y: self.y, radius: self.radius, } } } fn main() { let c = Circle::new() .x(1.0).y(2.0).radius(2.0) . build(); assert_eq!(c.area(), 12.566370614359172); // 可能不同机器的值有所差异 assert_eq!(c.x, 1.0); assert_eq!(c.y, 2.0); }Run
Base usage: 访问者模式
- rustc编译器源码中AST处理
- Serde的架构是访问者模式
use std::any::Any; trait HouseElement { fn accept(&self, visitor: &HouseElementVisitor); fn as_any(&self) -> &Any; } trait HouseElementVisitor { fn visit(&self, element: &HouseElement); } struct House { components: Vec<Box<HouseElement>>, } impl House { fn new() -> Self { House { components: vec![Box::new(Livingroom::new())], } } } impl HouseElement for House { fn accept(&self, visitor: &HouseElementVisitor) { for component in self.components.iter() { component.accept(visitor); } visitor.visit(self); } fn as_any(&self) -> &Any { self } } struct Livingroom; impl Livingroom { fn new() -> Self { Livingroom } } impl HouseElement for Livingroom { fn accept(&self, visitor: &HouseElementVisitor) { visitor.visit(self); } fn as_any(&self) -> &Any { self } } struct HouseElementListVisitor; impl HouseElementListVisitor { fn new() -> Self { HouseElementListVisitor } } impl HouseElementVisitor for HouseElementListVisitor { fn visit(&self, element: &HouseElement) { match element.as_any() { house if house.is::<House>() => println!("Visiting the house..."), living if living.is::<Livingroom>() => println!("Visiting the Living room..."), _ => {} } } } struct HouseElementDemolishVisitor; impl HouseElementDemolishVisitor { pub fn new() -> Self { HouseElementDemolishVisitor } } impl HouseElementVisitor for HouseElementDemolishVisitor { fn visit(&self, element: &HouseElement) { match element.as_any() { house if house.is::<House>() => println!("Annihilating the house...!!!"), living if living.is::<Livingroom>() => println!("Bombing the Living room...!!!"), _ => {} } } } fn main() { let house = House::new(); // simply print out the house elements house.accept(&HouseElementListVisitor::new()); println!(); // do something with the elements of a house house.accept(&HouseElementDemolishVisitor::new()); }Run
Base usage: RAII 模式
/* 利用Rust的ownership(linear/affine type)来设计接口 存在的问题: 1. Letter有可能复制多份到多个信封(envelope)里,不安全 2. 信封里有可能有信,也有可能没有信;或者同一个信封装多次不同的信件,不安全 3. 有没有把信交给邮车也是无法保证,不安全 */ #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Letter { text: String, } pub struct Envelope { letter: Option<Letter>, } pub struct PickupLorryHandle { done: bool, } impl Letter { pub fn new(text: String) -> Self { Letter {text: text} } } impl Envelope { pub fn wrap(&mut self, letter: &Letter){ self.letter = Some(letter.clone()); } } pub fn buy_prestamped_envelope() -> Envelope { Envelope {letter: None} } impl PickupLorryHandle { pub fn pickup(&mut self, envelope: &Envelope) { /*give letter*/ } pub fn done(&mut self) { self.done = true; println!("sent"); } } pub fn order_pickup() -> PickupLorryHandle { PickupLorryHandle {done: false , /* other handles */} } fn main(){ let letter = Letter::new(String::from("Dear RustFest")); let mut envelope = buy_prestamped_envelope(); envelope.wrap(&letter); let mut lorry = order_pickup(); lorry.pickup(&envelope); lorry.done(); } pub fn builder_pattern(){ unimplemented!(); }Run
Base usage: 【重构】RAII 模式
/* 利用Rust的ownership(linear/affine type)来设计接口 Refact 1. 去掉letter的Clone,使用所有权保证其唯一性;并且信封的wrap方法只接受获得所有权的信封,而非引用 2. 使用类型系统来保证信封的唯一性 3. 使用RAII机制来管理收尾逻辑,比如实现Drop 其他示例: 1. http response 2. steaming engine */ // #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Letter { text: String, } pub struct EmptyEnvelope {} pub struct ClosedEnvelope { letter: Letter, } pub struct PickupLorryHandle { done: bool, } impl Letter { pub fn new(text: String) -> Self { Letter {text: text} } } impl EmptyEnvelope { pub fn wrap(self, letter: Letter) -> ClosedEnvelope { ClosedEnvelope {letter: letter} } } pub fn buy_prestamped_envelope() -> EmptyEnvelope { EmptyEnvelope {} } impl PickupLorryHandle { pub fn pickup(&mut self, envelope: ClosedEnvelope) { /*give letter*/ } pub fn done(self) {} } impl Drop for PickupLorryHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { println!("sent"); } } pub fn order_pickup() -> PickupLorryHandle { PickupLorryHandle {done: false , /* other handles */} } fn main(){ let letter = Letter::new(String::from("Dear RustFest")); let envelope = buy_prestamped_envelope(); let closed_envelope = envelope.wrap(letter); let mut lorry = order_pickup(); lorry.pickup(closed_envelope); }Run